City of Gregory Citywide Cleanup May 8, 2023


The City of Gregory will be providing free pickup of certain items during the city-wide cleanup on Monday, May 8, 2023.

All items MUST BE PUT INTO SEPARATE PILES according to the following categories and placed alongside the street curbside NO LATER THAN MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023.

 A. CONSTRUCTION RUBBLE – boards/wood products, shingles, old furniture, mattresses, carpet (NO PLASTIC  ITEMS)

 B. IRON GOODS – excluding appliances containing freon and petroleum fuel tanks. Appliances must be tagged to be free of freon.

The following ITEMS WILL NOT be picked up:
       a. Household garbage – paper, cardboard, tin cans, table scrap type wastes, glass containers, plastic items, (tarps, hoes, toys, buckets, jugs)
       b. Containers with liquid inside.
       c. Electronic equipment – televisions, computers, microwaves, etc.
       d. Construction rubble from a site where a contractor is being paid for his/her services or a large building demolition.
       e. Trees or branches

Once the trucks have went through an area, they will not go back again.

Please call City Hall at (605) 835-8270 if you have any questions or concerns. Remember, if the guidelines are not followed or items are not sorted, the items will not be picked up.