2024-2025 City Council
Members of the 2024-2025 Gregory City Council are, back row, l to r: Mayor Al Cerny; Council President Ashley Lozano, Council Vice President Kristi Drey, Maurice Schlaht; front row: Cory Gaber, Guhner Kepler, and Laura Petersen.


Mayor: Al Cerny (two-year term expires May 2026)
Council Members:
Ward I: Kristi Drey (two-year term expires May 2026)
Ward I: Guhner Kepler (one-year term expires May 2025)
Ward II: Cory Graber (two-year term expires May 2025) 
Ward II: Laura Petersen (two-year term expires May 2026)
Ward III: Maurice Schlaht (two-year term expires May 2025) 
Ward III: Ashley Lozano (two-year term expires May 2026)

Planning & Zoning Commission

The Planning and Zoning Commission is a volunteer board that reviews and makes recommendations to the city council on land use and development applications, assists in updating the city's comprehensive plan and proposes amendments to related ordinances.