Gregory Economic Development Group (GED)

The Gregory Economic Development Group (GED) mission is to promote the expansion of economic opportunities and residential development for the future of our area.

The group is dedicated to help create opportunities for economic development through desirable business growth, expansion, retention and attraction in working as partners to develop a climate conducive in maintaining the quality of life in our area.
The GED Revolving Loan Fund helps fund businesses in Gregory with loans, used for expanding current businesses, in helping with the down payment for starting new businesses and for helping to sell a business to a new owner. The GED group also offers forgivable loans to people interested in going to trade school for electricians, plumbers, HVAC, and contractors if they are willing to live and work in Gregory for certain amount of years. 

GED has offered local classes in Welding and CDL to help with a work force and to offer local knowledge to area farmers/ranchers. One of the main goals is to help bring in affordable housing and help the city with the selling of vacant lots. GED works closely with the city to offer assistance when asked.