Rural Office of Community Services

ROCS is a private non-profit agency serving the residents of South-Central & South-Eastern South Dakota since 1981.

Gregory Dakota Senior Meals

Gregory Dakota Senior Meals has been in Gregory for over 20 years. Senior Meals is a service provided by the Rural Office of Community Services (ROCS) in Lake Andes, South Dakota. ROCS is a private, non-profit Community Action agency providing a wide range of services that includes the Dakota Senior Meals Program.

The Dakota Senior Meals program provides a nutritious noon meal five days a week at the nutrition center. Home delivery is available for those who are unable to leave their homes. The program is for anyone 60 years of age or older and their spouses. The Gregory ROCS Dining Services site is projected to serve 12,956 meals in the upcoming fiscal year which is approximately 1080 meals per month.

ROCS is governed by a tripartite board of directors from the private, public and low income sectors. ROCS is funded by federal, state, county and city governments as well as private and local community support.

The nutritional meals program is a true lifeline, whether recovering from a serious illness or surgery or just to have the opportunity to get together and socialize with others.

Many times the people who home deliver the meals are the only people that a participant sees all day long. The program enables the elderly to stay in their home or apartment longer. This helps people stay where they are most comfortable longer, as well as helps save the state money and may prevent a person from using up their savings.
2021 SD Cares Application The State of South Dakota in collaboration with SD Housing Development Authority, Helpline Center, and partner agencies, are working to assist South Dakotans who have been impacted by COVID-19 and the related economic crisis by offering financial assistance to help stabilize their housing situation. The funding is provided to South Dakota through the CARES Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - Emergency Rental Assistance. The two funding sources will vary in eligibility requirements, eligible uses and required documentation. If you are unable to pay rent, mortgage, property insurance on your home, or utilities because of the pandemic, short-term financial assistance may be available. SD CARES Housing Assistance Program may provide temporary housing or utility assistance for South Dakota residents who meet all of the following criteria: • Households income qualify based on county of residence. You must fall below the income level listed for your county and household size. • Have one or more individuals in the household who has qualified for unemployment benefits, experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the coronavirus outbreak. • Have one or more individuals in the household that have a past due utility bill or mortgage statement or are able to prove that they are at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
SD CARES Housing Assistance Program The State of South Dakota in collaboration with SD Housing Development Authority, Helpline Center, and partner agencies, are working to assist South Dakotans who have been impacted by COVID-19 and the related economic crisis by offering financial assistance to help stabilize their housing situation. The funding is provided to South Dakota through the CARES Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - Emergency Rental Assistance. The two funding sources will vary in eligibility requirements, eligible uses and required documentation.

ROCS Provides Free Tax Preparation

The Rural Office of Community Services, Inc. (ROCS) of Wagner is providing free tax preparation services in South Eastern and South Central South Dakota.
Free tax preparation services are available to low-to-middle income taxpayers in the 20 county ROCS service area.  Tax preparation and e-filing is conducted by IRS certified tax professionals. 
Tax preparation is handled virtually, with drop off service available at the ROCS offices in Lake Andes, Mitchell, Wagner and Yankton. Once required paperwork is received, taxpayers will receive a phone call for an intake interview and to answer any questions.  Lake Andes: 17 Park Ave, Lake Andes; Wagner: 106 West Ave SW, Wagner; Mitchell: 1307 N Main (call ahead for drop off time 605-996-9626); Yankton: 3113 Spruce – Kanner Building (call ahead for drop off time 605-665-4559)
To receive a tax preparation packet, please contact ROCS at 384-3883. ROCS is an Equal Opportunity Organization. For more information please contact Darci Bultje, Site Coordinator at 605-384-3883 or